Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let's Communication

This week we talked about communication and power/conflict and the importance of counseling. When we communicate about 14% is the words we use, 35% is our tone and 51% is non-verbal. I thought this was really interesting because what we are saying is only 14% of what the other person receives and reads when we are communicating.
There are different types of power spouses have and use over each other. The six different types of power are: Coercive, Reward, Legitimate, Expert, Referent, and Informational. Often times couples use these different powers over their spouse without even realizing it. Coercive power to negative and it to afford punishment. Reward power is positive in which you receive some kind of reward from your spouse. Legitimate power is when your spouse has the right to ask and you have the duty to comply. Expert power is when the spouse has special knowledge or expertise over the topic therefore they get their way. Referent power is reference for the power. You obey them because you love them and desire to please them. Informational power is persuasion by the spouse because they want what is in your best interest.

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